Mayor Dan Reiman announces $333,000 in Lower Roosevelt Avenue streetscape improvements

Carteret, NJ – Mayor Reiman and the Carteret Finance Commissioner Jorge Diaz have announced that a contract for streetscape improvements along Lower Roosevelt Avenue has been awarded to Buckler Associates of East Brunswick, N.J.. According to Reiman, construction will include $333,000 in quality of life enhancements that will complement ongoing mixed-use redevelopment in the area, according to Reiman.


Funding will be provided through the Borough’s participation in the Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP), which has allowed for $500,000 N.J. Department of Community Affairs (DCA) funding, specifically for discretionary improvements in the neighborhood of Chrome. Funding was originally secured by Reiman’s administration through a competitive application process in 2005. The N.P.P. had been established to offer municipalities a five-year commitment of financial and technical assistance in support of local community revitalization efforts. The program provided $25,000 for initial community planning and $100,000 the first year, plus $100,000 each subsequent year to participating municipalities, in support of a wide range of local initiatives including housing rehabilitation, recreation improvements, street and sidewalk upgrades, site acquisition and educational programs. The NPP program has since been discontinued by Governor Christie’s administration.


The streetscape project area will consist of the portion of Lower Roosevelt Avenue adjacent to the “Gateway” redevelopment project.


Streetscape costs will be funded with the remainder of the Borough’s NPP award in the amount of $333,000. Enhancements will include stamped concrete sidewalk, new lighting, and street-side trees with decorative grates.


“Lower Roosevelt Avenue is the culmination of our efforts and the objectives of state initiatives to target and revitalize blighted areas,” Mayor Reiman stated. “This part of the Chrome neighborhood has a rich history of economic and cultural growth that was displaced by neglect, decay, and crime over recent decades. With our redevelopment strategy and these streetscape improvements, we will see the area’s former stature restored, and its full economic and residential potential realized.”

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