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Contact Information
Memorial Municipal Building
61 Cooke Avenue
Carteret, New Jersey
Phone: 732-541-3819 or 732-541-3926
Fax: 732-969-2429
Planning Board March 26, 2025 Virtual Meeting Notice
UEZ Downtown Capital and Facade Improvement Grant Applications
The Building, Construction and Land Use Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of all ordinances related to issues of development, building, housing, land use, and infrastructure. The department is comprises of the following departments: Code Enforcement, and the Construction Department. In addition, the department is the administration arm of the Planning, and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Construction Code Official / Zoning Officer for the Borough of Carteret who heads the Department is responsible for all support services relating to cases appearing before the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. These cases include all site plan applications, sub-division of land, and variances sought from the Borough’s Zoning Ordinance. The activities of the Construction Department are guided by the Borough’s Construction Official who is responsible for the review and approval of all plans submitted to the Borough for construction permits. As required, the Building, Plumbing, Electrical, and Fire Sub-Code official’s review the plans before any permit are issued. During the course of construction, all building activities covered under permit are inspected for compliance to the approved plans.
Department Head / Staff Information
John Soltesz
Construction Department Head / Construction Official
John DuPont - 732-541-3847
Zoning Official
Lauren Curran
Board Secretary
Ottavia Kurdyla - 732-541-3826
Engineering Department Secretary
Karina Santos - 732-541-3926
Permit Clerk
Carl Gurney- 732-541-3937
Electrical Sub Code Official
John Funcheon - 732-541-3927
Fire Sub Code Official
Art Figueiredo - 732-541-3929
Building Sub Code
Debbie Bialowarczuk - 732-541-3925
Inspector / Property Maintenance
Rich Hrycuna
Inspector / Property Maintenance
Building Inspection Scheduling - 732-541-3810
State of New Jersey Housing - 609-633-6241
Construction Board of Appeals - 732-745-4272