Carteret, NJ – Mayor Daniel J. Reiman has joined with Councilmen Skippy Sitarz and Jorge Diaz in announcing the addition of 4 SLEO Class II police officers at the Carteret Police Department.
The new Class II Special Police Officers have successfully completed all training required by statute at a New Jersey State certified Police Academy.
“It has been a priority of my administration to increase police department staffing,” Mayor Reiman said, “while minimizing the burden on our local taxpayers.”
The openings were first announced this past fall. The application period for these and other emergency service positions has been ongoing.
“Priority is being given to Carteret residents, as well as applicants who have previously served as qualified, fully trained officers in any municipality of New Jersey,” Councilman Sitarz added.
Class II Special Police Officers may be appointed to successive one-year terms, during which they perform duties similar to those performed regularly by members of the Carteret Police force. They may also be afforded consideration for permanent police officer appointments having completed their term in good standing.
“These openings may serve as a starting point for great careers in public service and emergency services for our most promising applicants,” Mayor Reiman stated. “We’ve remained committed to providing the highest quality emergency services, which to a great extent relies on the quality of our staffing and training.”