Carteret continues “Gang Awareness” program for high school parents

Carteret, NJ – On Thursday September 30, Mayor Dan Reiman will be joined by representatives from the Carteret Police Department and Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office to host a “Gang Awareness” workshop for parents of Carteret High School students. The event will be the second in a new program begun this year, according to the Mayor, and will provide parents with some valuable tools for identifying gang activity, and taking preventative measures in the home to discourage the interest and participation of kids.


Youth violence, drug use, and gang activity, have become a growing concern throughout the United States, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and have played a significant role in increasing crime rates throughout Central New Jersey. These activities maintain a threat to the safety of schools, parks, streets, and homes throughout the region.

“We believe that the serious problem of youth crime plaguing New Jersey can be combated in part through parental knowledge and awareness,” Mayor Reiman stated. “As with many issues facing families in modern New Jersey, we feel that empowering parents can help avert local gang activity by discouraging it where it often starts – with our vulnerable youngsters.”

On Thursday, Mayor Reiman, the Carteret Police Department, and the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office will share an overview of prominent New Jersey gangs, and provide parents with tools that will better enable them to identify illicit activity. The Reiman administration intends for the program to be an ongoing, dependable resource for parents to learn about the threats posed by gangs. Topics will also include ways residents can help spot and prevent gang activity, and what steps local and county law enforcement officials are taking through investigation and new initiatives and partnerships.

Approximately 20,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with approximately 1 million members are criminally active throughout the United States, according to F.B.I. statistics. Many are sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include drug trafficking, robbery, theft, fraud, extortion, prostitution rings, and gun trafficking.

Carteret High School parents have been invited and encouraged to help prevent gang activity with the education provided through this important forum on September 30th, 7:00 p.m. at the Thomas J. Deverin Community Center, 100 Cooke Avenue.

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