Carteret hosts Workforce Development GED classes

Carteret, NJ – Mayor Dan Reiman has announced that the Borough of Carteret will serve as a training site for the Middlesex County Office of Workforce Development & Workforce Investment Board’s 2012 GED exam preparation program.


The youth program is sponsored by Middlesex County Department of Workforce Development in an ongoing effort to meet the employment and training needs of out of school youths, ages 16-21, in Middlesex County.  The Department of Workforce Development will certify each youth based on the eligibility requirements prior to enrollment, and the Career Training Center will provide the case management, training and assist with job placement.


The program will focus on key exam components that include:


Basic Skills Instruction

· Social Studies

· Science

· Mathematics

· Language Arts – Reading

· Language Arts – Writing



Work Readiness Skills

· Job Seeking Tools

· Career Exploration

· Customer Service

· Leadership Skills

· Communication Skills


Training sessions will be held Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., through December 28, 2012, and January 9 through June 28 for the 2013 program. 


Mayor Daniel J. Reiman added, “We’re pleased to be providing a host site for this invaluable County program, which will allow disadvantaged residents from northern Middlesex County to earn high school level diplomas while opening doors to new career paths.”


For more information:

Phone: 732.906.4158

Fax: 732.906.2632

Email: [email protected]





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