Carteret, NJ – Mayor Dan Reiman and the Borough Council have announced that the Borough has issued request for proposal and qualifications to operate and manage the future Performing Arts Center (PAC). The Borough is seeking proposals from qualified firms with proven experience in management and operations to provide programming, day to day general management and operational supervision of all activities of the PAC.
The selected firm will manage all aspects of the operations of the PAC including sales and marketing, customer service, security, event services and financial services. The selected firm will provide a public economic benefit to the community as a whole. Respondents are required to possess a minimum of 5 years of continuous experience in the operation and management of a performing arts center and/or facilities of similar size and scale.
The selected firm will also recruit and employ all staff and develop a staffing plan that includes an organizational chart showing key management personnel and identification of onsite management personnel. All on-site managers are required to have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in entertainment management and/or facility experience and an adequate technical background.
“We have seen interest from many organizations that operate nationally and regionally,” said Mayor Reiman. “We are looking for the best operators in the industry who have experience in managing and operating a performing arts center and the best deal for Carteret.”
The Borough intends to construct a new performing arts center at the site of the former Ritz Theater using components of same in the construction and renovate the current structure. The project is funded in part with a $6 million grant from Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Arts Initiative. The balance of funding is through redevelopment initiatives and development impact fees, grants, donations, endowments and the sale of adjacent Borough owned properties in the Arts District.
“This is the foundation of what will be a $100 million private investment into the Arts District and downtown,” said Mayor Reiman.
The PAC is part of an investment being made by the Borough in the Arts District. Once restored, the PAC will house an approximately 1600 seat auditorium to host theatrical, comedic, musical, dance and other performances. The PAC will also provide gallery space and opportunities for local and regional arts education initiatives by local performing arts groups as well as corporate meeting and training space.
Any questions, requests for clarification, interpretation and concerns regarding the RFQ are to be brought to the attention of the Borough prior to the submission deadline. All questions regarding the RFQ can be submitted via email to the project representative. Inquiries are due no later than Friday, January 29, 2016 at 5 p.m. Proposals are to be delivered via email to Joseph P. Baumann Jr., Esq. at [email protected] with the subject heading: “Proposal – Performing Arts Center Programming and Management Services” no later than February 19, 2016 at 5 p.m.
Responses will be evaluated by a selection committee. The selection committee will review each proposal, and may, if necessary, conduct interviews with one or more of the respondents as part of the final selection process.
The formal Request for Qualifications can be viewed at: PAC – RFQ for Operations and Management.pdf
All interested parties will be granted access to a document sharing site where additional information concerning the PAC and this RFQ has been uploaded. Interested parties will also receive updates, if any, concerning this RFQ.