Carteret, NJ – Law enforcement officers in Carteret will be cracking down on aggressive driving and speeding from Friday, August 2 to Friday, August 9 to deter aggressive driving behaviors, including speeding, tailgating, running red lights or stop signs, improper passing and unsafe lane changes. The program is paid for by a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant received by the Carteret Police Department in August 2018.
“Drivers must take personal responsibility for their aggressive driving behaviors and not blame others for bad driving practices,” said Carteret Police Chief Dennis McFadden. “While most motorists believe they are excellent drivers, they don’t realize that hurrying, impatience, distractions like cell phone use, and stress can all lead to unsafe driving and create potentially hazardous driving conditions on our roadways.” Questions drivers should ask themselves to avoid aggressive driving include: “Do you maintain appropriate distance when following other vehicles, bicyclists, motorcyclists; provide appropriate distance when cutting in after passing vehicles; yield to pedestrians; maintain speeds appropriate for conditions; yield and/or move to the right for emergency vehicles; avoid challenging other drivers; and, refrain from flashing your headlights to signal a desire to pass.” New Jersey drivers may report aggressive drivers to #77. Police are then made aware of the report and respond according to availability and proximity to the incident, as well as, seriousness of the report. This system should not be used to report 9-1-1 emergencies. Callers are reminded that, when using the system, current wireless phone technology does not automatically provide call-takers with the information they need to provide appropriate response to the emergency. That’s why it is important for all wireless users to remember to provide call-takers with the exact location of the incident (roadway, direction, milepost), type of emergency, description of those involved (vehicle registration, make, color), and a callback phone number. As always, safety of the motorists is the first concern, so if you need to use the #77 services when driving, please pull over to a safe place, and then provide as much specific information as possible. The more detailed information you provide, the quicker help can be provided. For more information about the Carteret Police Department, please call 732-541-4181. |