The NJDOT’s Local Transportation Project Fund grant will improve roadway, curb & intersections for Borough’s largest pedestrian boulevard

The Borough of Carteret has won a $2.38 million competitive grant from the state Department of Transportation’s Local Transportation Project Fund to improve roadway, curb and intersections throughout 1.24-mile Carteret Avenue, pictured. Grant funding for multi-year improvements of Carteret Avenue total $4.16 million.
CARTERET, NJ – Mayor Daniel J. Reiman has announced that the Borough has won a $2.38 million competitive grant from the state Department of Transportation through the Local Transportation Projects Fund.
The funds will be used to complete roadway, curb, and intersection improvements along Carteret Avenue from Carteret Park to Locust Street. The project will focus on curb-to-curb road resurfacing, striping and raised crosswalks and boulevard island enhancements, such as irrigation, landscaping, wayfinding signage, and lighting upgrades. The funds will allow improvements to pedestrian and motorist safety by resurfacing the roadway, replacing damaged and deteriorated curbing, enhancing street lighting, and installing improved, raised crosswalks and traffic calming measures at five major intersections along Carteret Avenue.
“We are very grateful to Gov. Phil Murphy and Transportation Commissioner Francis O’Connor for these incredibly valuable funds,” Mayor Reiman said. “The proposed improvements would tie into multiple active projects in the Borough, including the Middlesex County-funded intersection improvements along Roosevelt Avenue, NJDOT Safe Routes to School-funded curb ramp improvements along the length of Carteret Avenue, and NJDOT-funded bikeway improvements awarded for the length of the roadway. Given the condition of the existing roadway and curbs – in conjunction with the four concurrent projects focusing on vary aspects of pedestrian and motorist improvements – the only aspect of Carteret Avenue that remains to be addressed is the road itself. LTPF funding will ensure the Borough is able to elevate the thoroughfare to its full potential for pedestrians and cyclists alike.”
Carteret Avenue has more than 20 residential cross streets that convey traffic to Roosevelt Avenue and points beyond. The Borough’s largest pedestrian boulevard at 1.24 miles, Carteret Avenue also connects to many important public facilities in the heart of the Borough, including Columbus Elementary School, St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Blazing Star Cultural Arts Center, First Presbyterian Church of Carteret, Carteret Park, Sullivan Athletic Fields, Tomczuk Memorial Tennis and Basketball Courts, Carteret Middle School and Waterfront Park.
The LPTF grant is funding is part of the multi-year four-phase Carteret Avenue Roadway, Pedestrian, Cyclist and Beautification Improvements Project, which also includes the following grants:
- $400,000 NJDOT Bike Lane Grant
- $702,000 NJDOT Routes to Schools Grant
- $678,000 NJDOT Local Aid Grant.
The LTPF grant brings total NJDOT funding for Carteret Avenue to $4.16 million.
In August, the Borough also won a $5.4 competitive LTPF grant from NJDOT to extend critical roadway infrastructure in two areas of the waterfront: Waterfront Boulevard Extension and Lighthouse Way Extension. The latter is underway, while improvements to Lighthouse Way Extension will start soon, Mayor Reiman said.
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