Carteret, NJ – Mayor Dan Reiman and Councilman Jorge Diaz have announced that the Borough has obtained the final state and federal permits for the Noe Street Drainage Area Storm-water Improvements. In the summer of 2015, the Borough was awarded $1 million in state grant for the water retention basin/park project. The planning and designing phases of the project have concluded with the Borough obtaining the final NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) approval of construction plans and technical specifications.
The Noe Street drainage “study area” is comprised of 685 acres of residential homes in the center of town. The area of concern is located in the lowest portion and within a tidal flood hazard area. Noe Street elevations are as low as EL 4’ and high tide is EL 2.7’. Noe Street and neighboring areas have experienced nuisance flooding causing overwhelmed storm drains, deterioration of road infrastructures, and frequent road closures during major coastal storms.
“We began developing a plan to alleviate storm water flooding and backups in the center of town encompassing close to a 700 acre area around the Noe’s Creek region” said Mayor Reiman. “The plan calls for nearly $9 million in upgrades and improvements by increasing the size of our underground storm water collection system, installing additional on street catch basins, and flood control gates at Noe’s creek which takes all storm water to the Arthur Kill, as well as building a nearly 2 acre storm water retention pond and pump station.”
The Borough of Carteret will develop a new park with a wet pond that will serve as a detention basin in the Noe Street drainage area, off of Pershing Avenue. The proposed acquisition area totals nearly 2 acres from which 8 lots have been acquired by the Borough with 2 scheduled to be acquired in the area severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy. The Borough improvements on the site will provide both a recreational amenity and improve area storm water management. The Borough has obtained the following agency permits and approvals for the project:
NJDEP Land Use Regulation
- Flood Hazard Permit
- Freshwater Wetland General Permit No. 11
- In-Water Waterfront Development Individual Permit
- Upland Waterfront Development Individual PermitU.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Nationwide Permit No. 7 – outfalls and intake structuresFreehold Soil Conservation District
- Soil Erosion and Sediment Control PermitNJDEP Bureau of Surface Water & Water Allocation
- Dewatering & Surface Water Discharge Permit
- Groundwater Diversion Permit
Groundwater diversion plans will be in effect during construction. The Borough will divert up to 4.5 million gallons of groundwater at a maximum rate of 100 gallons per minute from a series of trenches 14 feet deep. The trenches will be located along Noe Street, Harris Street, Keick Street, Pershing Avenue, Maple Street, and Thornal Street in eastern side of the Borough.
The Noe Street Park will serve as a multipurpose recreational amenity for any season. The improvements include an open pond with fountains and significant natural vegetation. The Borough will develop a perimeter walkway along with decorative period lighting, benches, and interpretative signage for the plantings and wildlife. A public access ramp into the pond will be built for seasonal ice skating. In addition, an observation platform at a point on the perimeter will be designated for remote control model boats and other similar activities.
The Noe Street Area property acquisition costs are $1.04 million covered by the NJDEP Green Acres grant and low interest loan. The construction will cost up to $7.5 million. The NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust (NJEIT) has approved $8.16 million for construction and other soft costs, of which 19% is in the form of a grant. The balance of the NJEIT fund is in the form of low interest loan. The Borough anticipates issuing a request for bid with a public announcement in January 2016; with a spring 2016 construction schedule to start the 18 month project. All project permits have been received and the 30 day public comment period has elapsed for the Water Allocation (Groundwater Diversion) Permit and the final permit is expected to be issued in early January 2016.